


리프라이즈 (노르웨이, 2006) 

요아킴 트리에 




directed by Joachim Trier

cowriter Eskil Vogt






Erik and Philip have been best friends since childhood and both want to become writers. While Erik’s manuscript is refused by the publishers as lacking in talent, Philip is eagerly welcomed and overnight becomes a young star in Norway’s literary scene.




사누최 이후 두 번째로 본 요아킴 트리에 영화인데 (이게 장편 데뷔작인 듯? 다 보고나서 알았네) 나레이션 깔리는 점이라거나 모르고 그냥 봤어도 아 이거 같은 감독이네 했을 것 같음. 사누최 생각이 나는 영화였는데 감독도 사누최 개봉하고나서 mubi랑 한 인터뷰에서 Reprise랑 비슷하다는 얘길 했었네 ㅋㅋ 사누최의 주인공보다 어리고 (물론성별도다르긴하지만) 그 몇 살 차이가 또 큰 차이구나 싶기도 하네 더 "만들어져가는중인" 상태...라는 느낌 


would have, 로 시작해서

would have, 로 끝났는데 

에릭과 필립이 가지고 있는 기대와, 생각과, 마주한 현실이 있고.

기대가 있으니까 후회도 있었을 것이고...

마지막에도 would have로 끝나버리니까 그럼 이건 현실이 되었을까? 

에릭은 그렇게 떠났을까? 



beginning of what? 

becoming a cult hero? 

but can you stay a cult hero forever? 

카리 묘하게 생김 .. 매력적...


reprise - 필립의 책 옆 에릭의 책. 반복되는 것들. 변주있음.
클리셰 라는 말로 차임 (엄마있는자기집에서)

걍 보면서 난 에릭이 자기가 필립보다 재능이 없다고 느낀다...라고 느꼈고

열등감...있었겠지 싶고 그랬는데 ㅋㅋㅋ 

(but everything is recycled something...이라고 말해봅니다) 

... and did he? 



그들의 알탕서클이 형성 된 계기인 밴드의 멤버 결혼식에서 다시 만나는 장면 (would have의 일부이긴 했으나) 도 상징적. 그 때 그 선배가 결혼하고 그냥 "평범하게" 산다더라. 하는 모습 아니냐며...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 


트리에의 영화가 이거 이후에 사누최까지 세 개 묶여서 oslo trilogy로 불리는 것 같은데

reprise 보려고 mubi free trial 시작해버렸으니 ... 나머지도 달려보겠음 



이거 같이 쓴 다른 작가 (vogt)가 트리에랑 친구더라 에릭과필립의 이야기가 자전적인 이야기란 건 아니지만 .. 그래도 어느 정도 resemblance는 찾아볼 수 있을 듯한? 

Mr. Vogt and Mr. Trier both left Oslo at the first opportunity. Mr. Vogt went to film school in Paris, and Mr. Trier studied at the National Film and Television School in London, where Stephen Frears was one of his professors.




Mr. Trier and Mr. Vogt are as in touch with their inner adolescents as any young American filmmakers, a crucial difference being that they’re not embarrassed to sound as if they’ve also read a book or two. They drop names from Nietzsche to Wittgenstein (tossing in Russ Meyer for good measure), but back their allusions with ideas. I have no clue (well, one) if the philosopher Paul de Man was on their reading list (he isn’t mentioned), but it seems relevant that he believed prosopopoeia is “the trope of autobiography,” meaning it’s a representation. We may think it is the life that makes the autobiography, but de Man wondered if the reverse were true: “the autobiographical project may itself produce and determine the life.”

I write, therefore I am. Or so Phillip and Erik seem to believe, as they throw themselves into a life of literature (it might as well be cinema) with all the attendant clichés, like their disdain for (terror of) women. What Phillip, Erik and their swaggering boys’ club don’t initially grasp is that what makes the greater, more interesting man is living in the world — living with other people, other histories, with the present and past both. We breathe the same air breathed by earlier generations, who pondered the same imponderables and sometimes made great art about those imponderables. You can learn from the past because, while writing is thinking, so, too, are reading books and watching films. We watch, therefore we are.


Two Friends, Two Novels, One Mailbox: Lives at the Speed of Ambition (Published 2008)

An exuberant, exhilaratingly playful testament to being young and hungry, “Reprise” is a blast of unadulterated movie pleasure.





사진 넣으려고 이런 리뷰기사에 실린 감독/각본가의 말들 보면서 내가 했던 생각과 이들의 생각이 일치하는 순간... 뭔가 오 실제로도 이런 생각으로 쓴거구나 하게 되는

Mr. Vogt, speaking by phone from Paris, noted that the movie’s restlessness matched the mood of the characters. “It’s about young people who can’t really live in the present,” he said. “They’re either thinking about what their lives will be like or they’re looking back and trying to relive something.”


Cinematic Life in Oslo (Where Else?) (Published 2008)

“Reprise” shows some parallels between its characters and the two men behind the movie.



'영화' 카테고리의 다른 글

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